Starting Commonweal and Healing Circles
About post, In your retreat center If it provides refuge, touches your heart, and guides you on your path, it is a healing circle.
Opening to Miracles
About post, In your retreat centerCommonweal inspires Harmony Hill to launch its own Cancer Help Program.
How Callanish Began
About post, In your retreat centerJanie Brown's longing to address the non-physical aspects of cancer led to the creation of Callanish.
Getting Started in Jerusalem
In Your Community, In your retreat centerOur program, Revadim, was established in order to bring the Commonweal model supporting cancer patients to Israel.
10 Tips for Getting Started
In Your Community, In Your Home, In Your Organization, In Your Profession, In your retreat centerHow we got started at Healing Circles Langley feels like a miracle—outside of any norm we could have conceived. The right people showed up time and again to co-create, serve, and stretch us to do more. Capturing that process in ten tips seems…