Research reveals the tremendous power of social support in healing. Good social support improves your health and negative (or no) social support can damage it. In fact, no social support is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
Healing circles might be a welcome addition to an existing community center, or you might be inspired, along with a group of others, to create a healing circle that serves a specific population. Centers serve circle members through the ups and downs of illness and recovery, through success and failure, joy and grief, throughout the life cycle of circle members.
Here are some blog posts that provide more information:
The benefits of persistence
Coming together post, In Your CommunityLifting the veil and encountering Truth
Cancer post, In Your Community, Practicing CircleThe Birth of Healing Circles Langley
About post, Front Page, Healing Circles Centers, In Your CommunityStarting Healing Circles in Communities of Faith
Getting started, In Your Community, In Your OrganizationGetting Started in Jerusalem
In Your Community, In your retreat centerHealing from Chronic Pain
Addressing Meaningful Questions, In Your Community, Practicing CircleDiscovery Circles
Accessing Emotion, Discovering Self through the Arts, In Your Community10 Tips for Getting Started
In Your Community, In Your Home, In Your Organization, In Your Profession, In your retreat centerThe Healing Power of Love
Accessing Emotion, Addressing Meaningful Questions, In Your CommunityReaching Back, Giving Forward
In this Thriving Communities video, Diana Lindsay talks about her recovery from stage IV lung cancer and the opening of Healing Circles Langley.
Photo courtesy of Harmony Hill