It’s the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, ’till we find our place, on the path unwinding.

Elton John

During life’s voyage from one stage to the next—from childhood to adolescence, adulthood to elderhood, and eventually to death and dying—we encounter peaks and valleys. At each turn, we face new vistas and perspectives, surprises, delights, and challenges. When we circle up, we share our experiences of transitioning from, and settling into, what’s next. Traveling with others makes us feel less alone and helps us find our way.

Healing circles are offered at no charge. If you’re able, we invite you to make a gift to help cover the cost of participating.


Aging Together 2: Discovering depth, grace and beauty in aging

First and Third Tuesdays
10:00AM to 11:30AM PST
Look up your time zone

Aging provides an opportunity to open to the world in new ways, bringing depth, meaning, and wholeness to our lives. Inevitable losses may lead to unexpected depths of feeling and new levels of authenticity. As others witness our attempts to age with grace, we reflect back to them the challenges that come with accepting the changes in our body and mind over which we don’t have control. As the complexity of our lives gives way to a new simplicity we may encounter a beautiful luminescence which is part of living a soulful way.

Aging and Women

Let’s come together and share the pleasures and perils of our experience as we seek understanding beyond the ageism of the dominant culture. These healing circles are a blend of sharing and silence, compassion and curiosity that support us in cultivating our own visions of eldering.
We honor honesty and openness as we delve deeply into this transformative stage of life; a pioneering life that can include a conscious equanimity that allows us to be with the way things are, beyond preference. In this healing circle, we will co-create a safe space that allows our own unique paths to unfold and flourish.

Exploring eldering for women over 65 living on their own 3

Second Sunday of the month
8:00AM to 9:30AM PST

Exploring eldering for women over 65 living on their own 2

First and third Tuesdays
4:00PM to 5:30PM PST

Exploring eldering for women over 65 living on their own 1

Second and fourth Thursdays
4:00PM to 5:30PM PST

Navigating Life Transitions

We invite participants of all ages to join this intergenerational inquiry about our journeys through change and the impact of transitions on our bodies, minds, and spirits. Whether we are moving through a time of loss–such as an illness, divorce, or death–or we are in a time of shift, such as changing jobs, moving, getting married, or having a baby, something is ending, and there is a space and time of transition as we process and metabolize before the next beginning. We may ponder questions such as “Who am I without my familiar environment?” “What is my purpose and meaning in this changed state?” “What do I need to do to take care of myself through this uncertain time?” “How am I adapting to my emerging self?” Authentic sharing and witnessing one another’s stories increases the resilience and courage that we need to move through vulnerable spaces of transition.

Creative transitions

Second and fourth Fridays
11:00AM to 12:30PM Central European Time

Death and Dying

Death and Dying 1: Impermanence and the gift of life

We come together to hold space for one another as we share insights about death and dying, yet also about the wonders of life and living in relationship to impermanence. This circle strives for honesty, openness, and courage as we delve deep, beyond the surface, to discuss what may be the ultimate question or mystery we face: death. In the process, we co-create a space of steadfast compassion and sincere listening.

Second and fourth Tuesdays
10:00AM to 11:30AM PST

We all die: Let's talk about it

This circle is about inviting death into our daily conversations. It's not about grief, processing a recent death, or anticipating an imminent one. It's about overcoming the taboo we have in many Western cultures about the subject of death. We tend to avoid it because we simply don’t know how to address feelings of fear and loss, including questions such as: What will my own or my loved one’s death actually look like? How can I deal with my fear of death? How do I start conversations about death?one

First Friday of the month
8:00AM to 9:00AM PST

Death and Dying 2: Impermanence and the gift of life

We come together to hold space for one another as we share insights about death and dying, yet also about the wonders of life and living in relationship to impermanence. This circle strives for honesty, openness, and courage as we delve deep, beyond the surface, to discuss what may be the ultimate question or mystery we face: death. In the process, we co-create a space of steadfast compassion and sincere listening.

Second and fourth Tuesdays
8:00AM to 9:30AM PST

Dying without the elephant

It can be hard to talk about the fact that we're dying with people who love us and are deeply invested in our survival. Accepting death and planning for it can be viewed as failure, capitulation, or a lack of will to "fight."

Where can people with a terminal diagnosis talk openly about their experience? Right here in this circle, where there are no elephants in the room.

First and third Tuesdays
8:00AM to 9:30AM PST

Reflections from our community


Please contact us if you have any questions about this circle.

Please note

Healing circles are groups of peers who support one another through deep listening and compassion. Circle participants abide by agreements, including agreements around confidentiality. The volunteers who host healing circles do not provide medical or psychotherapeutic advice or treatment. Participation in a healing circle does not replace the care provided by a qualified healthcare professional.

Watch or listen

The Long Dark: Tending to the Soul in Unknown Territory with Francis Weller

Healing, Aging, and Dying with Ram Dass and Rachel Naomi Remen

When the End Is Near: The Art and Science of Compassionate Care with Lael Duncan

The Final Crossing: Learning to Die in Order to Live with Scott Eberle and Rob Feraru

The Five Invitations: What Death Can Teach Us About Living with Frank Ostaseki