Global Circle of Hosts
If you’ve completed the “How to Host a Healing Circle” training, or are already hosting a healing circle, we extend a warm welcome for you to join our monthly Circle of Hosts. Hosts from around the world gather to support one another, share their stories, and learn more about circle work.
Registering for this event signs you up for all monthly circles in this series. On the day before each one, you’ll receive an email reminder containing the Zoom link.
The Learning Community
Healing Circles Global is a learning community enriched by the contributions of our centers, our hosts and guardians, and our circle members. In our online format, our local community conversations can now be shared with the world.
The New School at Commonweal presents online conversations with thought- and action-leaders of our time. We focus on the emergent, seeking out those who are bringing discussion, beauty, and change to the world in the areas of health, end-of-life, resilience, and more. Host Michael Lerner, co-founder of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program, Healing Circles, The New School, and Beyond Conventional Cancer Therapies, explores informally and online, the challenges and promise of healing ourselves and the planet. There are no required beliefs or perspectives, and we aren’t afraid to ask difficult questions. Whether it’s grief, or joy, or wonder, we are enriched by sharing the exploration together.