Tag Archive for: practicing circle

Safety in Numbers: Five Circle Agreements

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For everyone in the circle to feel truly safe, the underlying assumption must be that everyone in attendance will honor the Circle Agreements, and that the Host and Guardian will be resolute in attending to them.

Asking Open and Honest Questions

Learning to respond to others with honest, open questions instead of counsel, corrections, and advice can be a life-altering practice.

The Circle is Big Enough

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A circle is big enough for all of us. For all parts of us. And for all stages of our life journeys.

Commonweal Cancer Help Program Alumni Circles

We bring forth our most authentic selves, share what is most important, are present with our own and each other’s hearts, share joys and sorrows, and through this, do the soul work that feeds us most profoundly.

Circle Magic

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It’s easy to become attached to the expectation that whenever a group of us gather in healing circles, magic will appear. What do we do when it doesn’t?