The Healing Circles movement is built on the life-changing retreat work of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program (CHP), which began 30 years ago in Bolinas, California. Inspired by the CHP, others have founded powerful retreat centers based on that model, including Callanish in Vancouver, British Columbia; Harmony Hill in Union, Washington; and, more recently, The Abbey Retreat Center in Toronto, Ontario, and Revadim in Jerusalem, Israel.
Retreat centers provide refuge and rejuvenation for an extended period of time and can create a powerful sense of community in which transformational change often takes place. These communities are based on kindness, mutual respect, and, often, love. Participants explore what matters now in life. They may find the inner resources to move forward with less anxiety, depression, and fear, and with a deeper sense of possibility and hope.
Here are some blog posts that provide more information:

Starting Commonweal and Healing Circles
About post, In your retreat center
Opening to Miracles
About post, In your retreat center
How Callanish Began
About post, In your retreat center
Getting Started in Jerusalem
In Your Community, In your retreat center
10 Tips for Getting Started
In Your Community, In Your Home, In Your Organization, In Your Profession, In your retreat centerI’m Still Here: Young Adults Living Life with Recurrent Cancer
“I’m Still Here” is a short film that follows six younger-adult participants on a three-day Callanish retreat, as they are supported by a team of compassionate professionals who guide them through a healing process.
Header photo courtesy of Commonweal