Tag Archive for: uncertainty
Managing the Time Warp of Loss: Why Do They Want to Marry the Widow off?
Addressing Meaningful QuestionsWhen our parents die, no one tries to comfort us by saying, "You can love like this again with a new mother, new father, or a different grandparent.” Yet, with the loss of a spouse, people quickly start talking about a new companion, a new sexual partner, a new friend.
Sitting with Uncertainty
Addressing Meaningful Questions, Coming together post, UncategorizedThe following discussion (originally posted January 22, 2012) is an example of circle taking place in many forms. Because Terri Mason asked the original questions, this post is attributed to her, but many others contributed. In the thread below,…
Addressing Meaningful Questions, Coming together post, Discovering Self through the ArtsA writing prompt in a healing circle contrasts past and present.
The Faces of Fear
Accessing Emotion, Addressing Meaningful Questions, Discovering Self through the ArtsParticipants in a Callanish circle were invited to name the many faces of fear.
Uncertainty 98249
Addressing Meaningful QuestionsAnxiety over the uncertainty inherent in living with cancer can be crippling. Kelly Lindsay found a way to become a thriving Uncertainist.