Tag Archive for: refuge

A single tree in winter against a blue sky

Finding meaning in circle

by Chris Camarata I've been facilitating a healing circle on death and dying for more than a year with Nicolas and Robin. Nicolas had been studying these often-avoided topics and wanted a forum where people could talk openly about their feelings…

Safety in Numbers: Five Circle Agreements

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For everyone in the circle to feel truly safe, the underlying assumption must be that everyone in attendance will honor the Circle Agreements, and that the Host and Guardian will be resolute in attending to them.

What Makes a Circle Healing?

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The only person who can accurately perceive a circle to be healing is the individual circle participant. Healing, as with pain, is what the person says it is.

Healing Circles as a Place of Refuge

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At the bottom of every waterfall or cataract—regardless of how wide, how tall, how thunderous—is an eddy. This is a place of refuge where the current turns back on itself, the river flows upstream, and time itself seems to stop.

Writing to Heal

Write to Heal came to Kate Stivers as an idea after several traumatic and life-changing experiences. Now it’s a healing circle for many.