We believe that anyone can host a healing circle by bringing kindness, respect, and the honor of each other’s paths into every interaction. But we are also deeply appreciative of those who have spent a lifetime building skills of caring and serving others, whether as nurses, social workers, chaplains, mediators, teachers, or other caring professionals.

At the same time, some members of these professions believe that essential qualities that originally inspired them to train and serve are being lost. Healing circles work has proven valuable to them, and they hope to incorporate this work back into their work with clients, patients, and community.

Our nurse leadership team is the first to begin this sharing in a systematic way.

To the right, you’ll find some blog posts that provide more information.


In search of authenticity

Despite being born into a male-dominated environment, Charlie Pieterick wound up in a profession dominated by women. “I grew up in a flat above a tavern owned by my father,” Charlie says. “I was immersed in a very patriarchal culture,…

Veterans Helping Veterans

After a healing circle helped former sargent James Pride face his own loss, he reached out to his community to form a Veterans Helping Veterans healing circle.

Through Healing Circles, Nurses Gain a Renewed Passion for Their Profession

Nurses create circles of hope and healing each time they accept the invitation to be part of an intimate moment of a person’s life at birth, in illness, and at the moment of death. It is in this sacred space where nurses have the greatest opportunity to create environments of healing.

Why Are Nurses Drawn to the Circle?

Nurse leaders of healing circles are rediscovering and reclaiming the joy that brought them into nursing.

Bringing Healing Circles to Nurses

Organizations are collaborating to help nurses bring healing circles into their work.

10 Tips for Getting Started

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How we got started at Healing Circles Langley feels like a miracle—outside of any norm we could have conceived. The right people showed up time and again to co-create, serve, and stretch us to do more. Capturing that process in ten tips seems…

Header photo courtesy of Callanish