Healing Circles: A Poem

A day can vanish
from the brightest beauty;
Shredded by a physician’s report
a putrid march through the one who
spins on a dark dime and
somersaults to where angels
tear apart in unsparing lyrics
and lamentation your lifestyle.
Isolation is not possible,
it never was true anyway.
So we band together
we mind the light,
we form a circle around
the one being hauled away,
rehearsing in our own minds
what will also be ours,
the direction the same.
And there our knowledge ends.
We have theories, even small intimations.
We don’t attempt to throw a life line,
but together construct a raft.
We climb in for the
ups and downs of the odyssey.
With aching, imperfect and
shattered hearts,
we close in on the mystery.


Header photo by Corrine Bayley