The Healing Power of Mindfulness Meditation
Focusing Mind and BodyMindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. This kind of attention nurtures greater awareness, clarity, and acceptance of the present-moment reality. – Jon Kabat-Zinn

Healing Circles Retreat Opening Remarks
UncategorizedWe are in a moment in which healing is critical for our survival. Not only healing the political world but the many vectors that threaten our existence on this planet. This is the immense work ahead of us. But we have the tools. We have the “Healing Circles Way,” the “Commonweal Way.”

Healing Circles Gathering 2019
Deepening circle practice, Getting startedDuring the Healing Circles Gathering at Commonweal on January 17-20, 2019, we spent an hour gathering a snapshot of who and where we are.