The Spirit in Everyday Life

Milagros have been used for centuries throughout Latin America and represent the universality of humans acknowledging the presence of spirit in everyday life.

Longing to Leave

I long to leave. Easily, quickly, with little to no preparation. To go from pajamas into jeans and an old friendly sweatshirt, my feet slipped into clogs or flip-flops, a quick brush through my hair—or not—a smoosh of clear gloss on my lips.

Commonweal Cancer Help Program Alumni Circles

We bring forth our most authentic selves, share what is most important, are present with our own and each other’s hearts, share joys and sorrows, and through this, do the soul work that feeds us most profoundly.

The Faces of Fear

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Participants in a Callanish circle were invited to name the many faces of fear.

Uncertainty 98249

Anxiety over the uncertainty inherent in living with cancer can be crippling. Kelly Lindsay found a way to become a thriving Uncertainist.

Strategies for Pain Relief

Deepening our understanding of the Healing Circles Agreements is a lifelong study.

Healing Grief Circle

My experience of circle comes from our Healing Grief Circle and fuels the work of growing and spreading circles as much as possible. It was our first gathering, and attending were two bereaved mothers, both of whom had experienced the loss of…

Healing Art Circle

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At St. Paul's Church in Houston, we explore self-discovery topics, such as emotions, stress, loss, strength, self-awareness, and transformation, by pairing them with specific art activities wrapped in healing circles.