Opening to Miracles

Commonweal inspires Harmony Hill to launch its own Cancer Help Program.
Courtesy of Callanish

Gracious Listening

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Among other things, gracious listening requires a hospitable heart, a compassionate presence, and a commitment to not "fix."

How Callanish Began

Janie Brown's longing to address the non-physical aspects of cancer led to the creation of Callanish.

Observation and Breathing in Healing Circles

Healing circles rely on moments of quiet and deep attentiveness...

Getting Started in Jerusalem

Our program, Revadim, was established in order to bring the Commonweal model supporting cancer patients to Israel.

Healing from Chronic Pain

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It wasn’t an experience I was eager to revisit. Pain (mostly migraines) and fatigue dominated my life for 15 yrs. I cannot offer a formula for my return to health…

Remembering With Love

When we give ourselves the time and space to grieve, we can get to a place where we can remember with love and not just unbearable pain

Discovery Circles

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Arts enable breakthroughs in our thinking and our understanding of self in crisis that our rational minds may withhold.

Bringing Healing Circles to Nurses

Organizations are collaborating to help nurses bring healing circles into their work.

Sitting with Uncertainty

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The following discussion (originally posted January 22, 2012) is an example of circle taking place in many forms. Because Terri Mason asked the original questions, this post is attributed to her, but many others contributed. In the thread below,…