The guardian: noticing and sensing

Circle started around the cook-fires of humanity’s ancestors and has accompanied us ever since.  We remember this space.  When we listen, we speak more thoughtfully.  We lean in to shared purpose. Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, The…

Safety in Numbers: Five Circle Agreements

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For everyone in the circle to feel truly safe, the underlying assumption must be that everyone in attendance will honor the Circle Agreements, and that the Host and Guardian will be resolute in attending to them.

What Makes a Circle Healing?

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The only person who can accurately perceive a circle to be healing is the individual circle participant. Healing, as with pain, is what the person says it is.

Holding Space for Challenges Within Circles

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The very nature of healing circles invites what is unhealed to present itself in hopes of healing. People can arrive raw without being quite sure themselves what their emotions are, how to hold themselves together, or how to let themselves fall…

Asking Open and Honest Questions

Learning to respond to others with honest, open questions instead of counsel, corrections, and advice can be a life-altering practice.

Circle Magic

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It’s easy to become attached to the expectation that whenever a group of us gather in healing circles, magic will appear. What do we do when it doesn’t?