Thank you for considering naming Healing Circles Global in your trust. A planned gift is one of the most impactful ways you can support and sustain the work of Healing Circles Global. You may be able to save on taxes, receive income for life or enjoy other financial benefits—all while helping to support access to healing circles for all who may benefit. Explore your giving options here on our website, or talk with Oren Slozberg, Healing Circles Global Co-Director and Commonweal Executive Director. (link to Oren’s email as is done on the Commonweal website)
How planned giving helps
There are many ways you can leave a legacy gift to Healing Circle Global, and at the same time provide yourself and your loved ones with significant tax benefits. With careful planning it may be possible to reduce income taxes and transfer taxes. Working with an estate planning professional will help you maximize your personal benefits and allow you to make gifts you might not have thought possible. You can enjoy tax savings while turning appreciated assets into an income for yourself or others. Planned giving is a tool that helps you achieve your goals for Commonweal while enhancing your personal financial plans and security.